What is longitude , latitude and Altitude
Latitude:- The angular distance north or south of the earth's equator, measured in degrees along a meridian, as on a map or globe. b. A region of the earth considered in relation to its distance from the equator: temperate latitudes.
Longitude:- Longitude is the angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England
Altitude:- the vertical elevation of an object above a surface (such as sea level or land) of a planet or natural satellite
Longitude:- the distance of a place east or west of a line from the North Pole to the South Pole that passes through Greenwich in London. Longitude is measured in degrees
Latitude:- the distance of a place north or south of the line that we imagine around the middle of the earth (the equator)
Altitude:- the height of something above sea level
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