What is lunar corona ?
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What is lunar corona ?
corona: A faintly colored luminous ring or halo appearing to surround a celestial body when viewed through a haze or thin cloud, especially such a ring around the moon or sun, caused by scattering or diffraction of light from suspended particulate matter in the intervening medium.
What causes the formation of lunar corona?
A lunar corona forms when light from the moon is diffracted (which is not the same as refraction) around tiny ice crystals or water droplets, also found in high cirrus clouds. ... There are also “moonbows” (like a rainbow) that are formed when moonlight passes through water vapor near the Earth's surface.
How would you distinguish a corona from a halo
Well that's the main difference between a corona and a halo. They are formed via light-refraction (as opposed to diffraction, as in coronas) that occurs high up in the Earths atmosphere from relatively large ice particles. Halo's as stated are much bigger than coronas and are usually more eye-catching.
Hope it's helpful U ⤵️

These colorful rings of a lunar corona appear when we see the moon through a very thin cloud of similarly-sized water droplets. Many of these appear near the Sun or Moon, but others occur elsewhere or even in the opposite part of the sky.
A lunar corona forms when light from the moon is diffracted (which is not the same as refraction) around tiny ice crystals or water droplets, also found in high cirrus clouds. ... There are also “moonbows” (like a rainbow) that are formed when moonlight passes through water vapor near the Earth's surface.
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