what is main reason behind inventing computer
hii crazy
Step-by-step explanation:
The computer was really “invented” twice - once by Charles Babbage (The Analytical Engine) and the second time by Alan Turing.
Although Turing wasn’t the first to have the idea - he had been unaware of Babbage’s earlier work until after he’d completed his machine so he certainly came up with the idea himself. Babbage had invented a general purpose computer - but didn’t ever manage to finish building one.
Babbage’s motivations were initially to do with his frustration at the errors found in the printed tables of numbers that were used in Victorian times to calculate logarithms, sines, cosines…that kind of thing. He wanted to automate the process in order to eliminate any possibility of errors.
Turing’s motivation was in cracking the “Enigma” codes used by the Germans during World War II.
Both men started out with a “single task” machine that basically solved one problem over and over - and both soon realized that they could make the machine more flexible (effectively turning it from a calculator into a fully programmable computer) by making it “programmable”.
hope it's helpful
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Step-by-step explanation:
the computer was invented to do repetitive calculations and accuratley
a man named charles babbage originated the concept of a working programmed computer