What is main source of Water
rain is the main source of water.
The main source of water are:-
- Surface water
- Rain water
- Ground water.
every living being.Without water there is no survival of any living organisms.We can survive even without food , but we can't survive without water.We need water in our every daily uses like Cooking , washing , bathing etc.
With water only many plants are being survival . Because of plants we are getting rains , we are getting oxygen and carbon dioxide.Water is very essential for every living organism.
Living organisms required water for their survival , But other organisms require water to break down food molecule and generate new energy during the respiration process .
Water is the most important substance on the earth .All living creatures mist have water to survive.If there is no water then there would be no life in the earth.
Water is essential for healthy growth of farm crops and farm stock and is used in the manufacture of many products in agriculture .Because water only we are getting food.
Water best organisms such as fish require water to breed directly breathing the oxygen dissolved in water without a water supply they could not access Oxygen and would suffocate.Water also help in Slate the living environment for this organisms .