what is making a learner understand that his behaviour is inappropriate
Individuals may learn new behaviours by observing other people’s behaviour, that is, through social learning or modelling. They see other people behaving in a certain way and imitate them. For example, Mary hears that the teacher excused other students for not handing in homework because they claimed to have forgotten it at home. So she uses a similar excuse. Or Barry’s parents encourage hitting as a way of “standing up for yourself.” So Barry responds to frustration with peers by physically lashing out.
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lateness or leaving early
inappropriate cellphone and laptop usage in class
side conversations
disregard for deadlines
grade grubbing
sniping remarks
These behaviors are not just instructors’ pet peeves; they have real costs including:
distracting other students and instructor in class
reducing student participation
lowering other students' and instructor’s motivation in or out of class
affecting fairness in grading
using instructor or TA time unproductively
feeling disrespected as a fellow learner or authority figure