What is Making a Stand and Sharing Opinion
Sharing your opinion in your comments is always a good thing. That is exactly what the commenting box is for. If every reader did this, blogs would soon revert back to the lively communities they once were.
However, today's world has become a little tetchy over people's opinions. It's difficult to know what to say which won't offend, upset or annoy people. It seems that tolerance has diminished, people have become super sensitive, or it is more common-place to respond, not always favourably, to people's opinions.
And yet some people are judged for not having an opinion. Sometimes you need to have a lot of faith in yourself, or the strength to say what you think. As a result many readers prefer to lurk in the shadows, out of harm's way. This is a shame, as the world would be richer if people felt able to air their opinions in safety.
This infographic offers a guideline to sharing your opinion: