what is marseillaise?what led to the formation of marseillaise?
Answer as per 3 marks.
The French struggle and patriotism led to its formation. Marseillaise was a nationalistic song produced by poet Roget de L' Isle. ... So Marseillaise was chanted for the first time by the missionaries from Marseilles as they stepped into Paris and so got its title. The Marseillaise is now the national song of France
Answer. Marsellaise was the song sung by the volunteers of France when they entered Paris during reign of terror. Now it is the national anthem of France. Marseillaise is the national anthem of France.
Thousands of volunteers thronged from the provinces to join the army. They saw this as a war of the people against kings and aristocracies all over Europe. So Marseillaise was sung for the first time by the volunteers from Marseilles as they marched into Paris and so got its name.