Hindi, asked by yasar777, 2 months ago

What is mass media
Define Lences
Diffrence between Graphite And Diamond

Sneha here koi on hai baat krne ko​


Answered by sampriti90


  1. Mass media refers to a diverse array of media technologies that reach a large audience via mass communication.
  2. a curved piece of glass that makes things look bigger, clearer, etc. when you look through it
  3. Diamond is one of the hardest materials known, is transparent to light, and does not conduct electricity at all. Graphite is soft, gray, and can conduct electricity reasonably well. Such different properties, from two substances that are composed of exactly the same kinds of atoms!
Answered by jasaniyabanisha12387


What is mass media

Mass media means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience. It is the primary means of communication used to reach the vast majority of the general public. The most common platforms for mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet.

Define Lences

The definition of a lens is a piece of glass or other hard clear material molded with one side flat and the other curved or both sides curved that forms an image by bringing together or spreading the light that passes through it. An example of lens is the clear pieces covering the eyes in eye glasses.

Diffrence between Graphite And Diamond


1. It is hardest substance known and its density is equal to 3.5 gram/ml

2. Its crystals are Octahedral, colorless and transparent


1. Graphte is soft and slippery with the density of 2.3 gram/ml

2. It is in a black colored, opeque and has hexagonal crystals.

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