what is matheamatical park?
Step-by-step explanation:
The Mathematics Park is a collection of works of art in an urban space, all following a common theme: each object is a concrete realisation of some mathematical entity, be it in relation to an abstract theorem, or to a geometric form.
Agastya International Foundation, in association with Gyanome Foundation,
Imaginary and SBI Funds Management Private Ltd. the investment manager of
SBI Mutual Fund, is inaugurating the Ramanujan Math Park on December 22,
2017, at its 172-acre Creativity Campus situated in Kuppam.
Step-by-step explanation:
Having drawn inspiration from the extraordinary works of Indian
Mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan, the park aims to provide a space to
promote learning, exploration, and discovery of ideas that convey a sense of the
ubiquity of Math. By giving hands-on learning experience of math concepts, it
aims to increase enthusiasm and reduce and eliminate obstacles in learning
math, especially among economically underprivileged children.