what is matter? Explain the properties of solids and liquids
Solid matter is composed of tightly packed particles. A solid will retain its shape; the particles are not free to move around. Liquid matter is made of more loosely packed particles. It will take the shape of its container.
Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.
- Particles are closely packed
- Interparticulate space is smallest as compared to other states of matter.
- Force of attraction is strongest.
- It has definite shape and volume.
- It is incompressible.(there are some exceptions such as sponge,ruberband etc.)
- They are rigid and cannot flow
- They have vibratory motion.
- It has very high density.
- It doesn't show diffusion.
Crystalline solids - They have regular geometric structure due to definite orderly arrangement of particles in their structure. They have high and sharp melting points. Ex- Diamond,NaCl (common salt).
Amorphous solids - These don't have fixed arrangement of their constitutional particles. They do not have sharp melting points and they are isotropic in nature.For example- Sulphur,rubber.
Isotropic- They have identical values of properties in a particular direction.
- They are less closely packed as compared to solids.
- The interparticulate space is larger than solids.
- The force of attraction is weaker than solid.
- It has definite volume but no definite shape.
- It is slightly compressible.
- It shows fluidity but it is lesser than that of gas
- The particles are free to move.
- It's density is lower than solids.
- It shows diffusion.