What is mean by a global way
1 covering, influencing, or relating to the whole world
2 comprehensive
♦ globally adv
global positioning system
n a system of earth-orbiting satellites, transmitting signals continuously towards the earth, that enables the position of a receiving device on or near the earth's surface to be accurately estimated from the difference in arrival times of the signals, (Abbrev.) GPS
global product
n a commercial product, such as Coca Cola, that is marketed throughout the world under the same brand name
global rule
n (in transformational grammar) a rule that makes reference to nonconsecutive stages of a derivation
global search
n (Word processing) an operation in which a complete computer file or set of files is searched for every occurrence of a particular word or other sequence of characters
global village
n the whole world considered as being closely connected by modern telecommunications and as being interdependent economically, socially, and politically
(C20: coined by Marshal McLuhan)
global warming
n an increase in the average temperature worldwide believed to be caused by the greenhouse effect