what is mean by literary sources?
Roman Culture, Roman Writers.What is known about the vanished civilization of ancient Rome, aside from the monuments and material culture that remain, comes primarily from literary sources. The range and character of Roman literature is best recognized by considering the work of Rome’s most important writers. In some of the topical entries listed, one will read who wrote, what of their writings survives, how it was passed down through time, and who read it.
✮Literary Sources✮
★Literary sources are the data which is received in the written forms.
★ They describe the nature of the society of ancient times.
★ Sources incorporate knowledge in impression, automated and visual compositions such as books, letters, journals, and investigation reports.
➜Literary sources are of 2 types.
✴Religious Texts
✴Non Religious Texts
•Literature holds a mirror to the society. •The beliefs, traditions, customs, mores, behaviour patterns etc of the society at a particular historical period are reflected directly or indirectly in the literary works such as fiction, Drama, poetry and so on.
•Sources incorporate knowledge in impression, automated and visual compositions such as books, letters, journals, and investigation reports.
•The literary source constitutes a history of Vedic, Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit, and other findings simultaneously with other external accounts.
⟿MoRe InFo ::
✧Literary and Archaeological records are the two main categories that give evidences of Ancient Indian History.