what is mean by naturalization of human ?how is it different from humanization of nature ?give two points(3 mrk questions)
Answer: Naturalisation of human
During the early periods of human history, men and women were greatly influenced by their surrounding environment as they used low level of technology. Also, at this time, human social development was in the earliest stages. So, humans were dictated by nature and its forces. Thus, humans were naturalised because they were afraid of nature and worshipped it. This is known as naturalisation of humans. This naturalisation of humans is termed environmental determinism.
Environmental determinism considers humans as passive agents as their decisions, attitudes and way of life are affected by nature. For example, forest dwellers and tribal societies who live deep in the forest or in secluded mountainous regions
Explanation: Humanisation of Nature With the passage of time, humans began to understand their natural surroundings and the forces of nature. As humans began to form social groups and settled at a place, they developed new and efficient means of technology which helped them to use natural resources. Humans create possibilities with the resources obtained from nature. For example, they create orchards and entertainment resorts near adventurous places.
This humanisation of nature is termed possibilism