Biology, asked by ganeshmadala75, 10 months ago

what is mean by persistance of vision


Answered by navdeepbawa

the retentional of a visual image for a short period of time after the removal of the stimulus that produce it. the phenomenon that produce the ilussion of movement when viewing motion picture...

hope it will help u dear..

plz follow me and thxxxxx to my ans plz

Answered by ayushpandey9858


Persistence of vision traditionally refers to the optical illusion that occurs when visual perception of an object does not cease for some time after the rays of light proceeding from it have ceased to enter the eye.[2] The illusion has also been described as "retinal persistence",[3] "persistence of impressions",[4] simply "persistence" and other variations. According to this definition, the illusion would be the same as, or very similar to positive afterimages.[5]

"Persistence of vision" can also be understood to mean the same as "flicker fusion",[6] the effect that vision seems to persist continuously when the light that enters the eyes is interrupted with short and regular intervals.

Since its introduction, the term "persistence of vision" has been believed to be the explanation for motion perception in optical toys like the phenakistiscope and the zoetrope, and later in cinema. However, this theory has been disputed even before cinema was introduced in 1895. If "persistence of vision" is explained as "flicker fusion", it can be seen as a factor in the illusion of moving pictures in cinema and related optical toys, but not as its sole principle.


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