what is mean by pulvini
hair like structure on the plants leave..
for example on the leave of mimosa pudica..
it helps during the water loss
Answer: Pulvini is the plural form of Pulvinus. It is the swollen leaf base of a plant.
Explanation: Usually, the leaf base and petiole (leaf stalk) are indistinguishable. However, the leaf base in legumes is swollen. This swollen leaf base is called Pulvinus. The pulvinus is responsible for sleep and shock movements of certain leaves.
A famous example of plant possessing Pulvinus is Mimosa pudica, or Touch-me-not plant, which droops down when touched. This happens because of loss of water from the pulvini on touching. After some time, the water in the pulvini is restored, making the leaf upright again
Please refer to the attached images.
Hope it helped