what is mean mass number or average mass of all isotopes
The total number of protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus. natural abundance: The abundance of a particular isotope naturally found on the planet. average atomic mass: The mass calculated by summing the masses of an element's isotopes, each multiplied by its natural abundance on Earth.
massantal: Det totala antalet protoner och neutroner i en atomkärna. naturligt överflöd: Överflödet av en viss isotop som naturligt finns på planeten. genomsnittlig atommassa: Massan beräknad genom att summera massorna i elementets isotoper, var och en multiplicerad med dess naturliga överflöd på jorden.
sorry if u dont know swedish english here-mass number: The total number of protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus. natural abundance: The abundance of a particular isotope naturally found on the planet. average atomic mass: The mass calculated by summing the masses of an element's isotopes, each multiplied by its natural abundance on Earth.