what is meaning fabulous explain it
in English
Definition of fabulous
1a : resembling or suggesting a fable : of an incredible, astonishing, or exaggerated nature fabulous wealth. b : wonderful, marvelous had a fabulous time a fabulous view from the summit. 2 : told in or based on fable fabulous dragons.
Definition of fabulous
1a : resembling or suggesting a fable : of an incredible, astonishing, or exaggerated nature fabulous wealth. b : wonderful, marvelous had a fabulous time a fabulous
very good; excellent: She looked absolutely view from the summit. 2 : told in or based on fable fabulous dragons.
What is the meaning of fabulous girl?
very good; excellent: S
Does fabulous meaning beautiful?
It's fresh, varied, fun. The scenery and weather were fabulous. If you talk about someone's fabulous beauty, for example, or their fabulous success, you are emphasizing that they are extremely beautiful or extremely successful.he looked absolutely fabulous in her dress
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