English, asked by s15104bvenkat012366, 2 months ago

What is meaning of adjectives​


Answered by harishkashyap4737


An adjective is a word that tells us more about a noun. It "describes" or "modifies" a noun (The big dog was hungry). In these examples, the adjective is in bold and the noun that it modifies is in italics.

An adjective often comes BEFORE a noun:

a green car

a dark sky

an interesting story

And sometimes an adjective comes AFTER a verb:

My car is green.

The sky became dark.

His story seemed interesting.

But adjectives can also modify pronouns (She is beautiful). Look at these examples:

They were empty.

I thought it seemed strange.

Those are not expensive.

Note that we can often use two or more adjectives together (a beautiful young French lady / it is black and white).

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