what is meaning of cyan
In the additive color system, or RGB color model, used to create all the colors on a computer or television display, cyan is made by mixing equal amounts of green and blue light. Cyan is the complement of red; it can be made by the removal of red from grey.
Cyan is a restful, calming color that symbolizes relaxation, especially that shade of cyan known as bright turquoise (shown below) which can be the color of the water in lagoons in tropical countries where people go swimming on their vacation.
a greenish-blue colour which is one of the primary subtractive colours, complementary to red.
"a greenish-blue colour which is one of the primary subtractive colours, complementary to red.
- even I'm in class 9th but ik cause in my another account which have 4 lakh p0ints . It had been banned a lot hehe"
"a greenish-blue colour which is one of the primary subtractive colours, complementary to red.
- even I'm in class 9th but ik cause in my another account which have 4 lakh p0ints . It had been banned a lot hehe"