Physics, asked by togepi893, 3 months ago

what is meaning of minor​


Answered by xllXDecentMortalXllx


Minor is defined as something that is smaller or less important. An example of something minor is a cut that isn't deep. The definition of a minor is someone young who has not acquired all of their legal rights. An example of a minor is someone who is not yet 21 years old and can't purchase alcohol

Answered by llSingleKingll


not very big, serious or important (when compared with others)

जो अधिक बड़ा, गंभीर या आवश्‍यक न हो (औरों की तुलना में), गौण, छोटा, कम महत्वपूर्ण

It’s only a minor problem. Don’t worry.

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