Biology, asked by rishimenon4720, 7 months ago

What is meant by 5 r s to save environment? Explain with One example each.


Answered by OmMeghani10042004


HI friend,

Here is your answer.. :)



The 5 R's – reduce, reuse, recycle, recover and residual management.  Reduce, reuse, recycle, recover and residual management. – Five actions that can make your organization and you a better steward.

As citizens of a society we have a responsibility to manage our waste sustainably. We can do this following the five R’s of waste management: reduce, reuse, recycle, recover and residual management.



Reducing waste is the most important thing we can do. By reducing waste, we avoid the unnecessary use of resources such as materials, energy and water. It means there is less waste to manage.


The next most important thing we can do is reuse waste material. That way it doesn't go in the rubbish and end up in the landfill. It also means you don't have to buy a new product. That saves you money and saves the energy and resources that would have been used to make the new product.


Recycling involves some form of reprocessing of waste materials to produce another product. For example, recycling plastic bottles to make buckets.


This is the recovery of waste without any pre-processing. For example, waste oils that cannot be refined for reuse in vehicles can be burnt for energy recovery. Recovering the energy from waste oil reduces our dependence on coal and imported oil.

Residual Management

This is the last option when waste cannot be used in any other way. Usually, this means sending rubbish to a landfill. Residual disposal of liquid waste is normally into a sewer or septic tank.

It is very important to manage residual solid and liquid waste properly. Waste not disposed of correctly can cause damage to health and the environment.


Hope this will help you..

Be Brainly.. :)

Answered by mayankr1519Y

5R s are

1) Reduce

2) Reuse

3) Recycle

4) Refuse

5) Repair

Reuse- To use something again and again after repair.

Recycle- To give something to company to make it repair and sell it again.

Repair- To make something again use it again.

Reduce- To use things only in that amount which you need and try not tto waste it.

Refuse- Trying not to take the things which can harm you and which you don't need.

Thank you, please mark this at brainliest and if you think that the answer is correct then send me thanks

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