Biology, asked by Vadloorianuradha159, 9 months ago

what is meant by athropods​


Answered by shaluj2006


any of the phylum of animals that have a hard body without a backbone in it. Arthropods have legs that are made of more than one part and that can bend where the parts join together

रीढ़ की हड्‌डी से रहित कठोर शरीर वाला कोई भी प्राणी; संधिपाद; इन प्राणियों की टाँगें कई भागों में विभक्त होती हैं और वे जोड़ों पर मुड़ सकती हैं; आर्थोपॉड

Answered by Anonymous

An invertebrate animal of the large phylum Arthropoda, such as an insect, spider, or crustacean

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