What is meant by dispessive power of a diffraction
grating having 5000 lines per cm is used at normal incidence. calculate the dispersive power of the grating in the second order spectrum in the wavelength region 6000 A° dúpraction grating having 5000 lines
om or used af normal incidence.calculate
the dispersive power of the grating in the second
order spectrum in the Wavelength region 6000 A.
Answered by
written 2.6 years ago by
gravatar for neeta.vanage neeta.vanage • 160
modified 2.6 years ago by
gravatar for Manan Bothra Manan Bothra • 30
N = 4000 line/cm, λ = 5000 x10−8, n= 3
dθdλ=n(a+b)cosθ(a+b)sinθ=nλsinθ=nλ(a+b)sinθ=Nnλ [∵(a+b)=1N]sinθ=4000×3×5000×10−8=0.6θ=36.86
cosθ = 0.80
Therefore dispersive power dθdλ=Nncosθ=15000
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