what is meant by grandfather paradox
The grandfather paradox is a paradox of time travel in which inconsistencies emerge through changing the past. The name comes from the paradox's common description: a person travels to the past and kills their own grandfather before the conception of their father or mother, which prevents the time traveller's existence. Despite its title, the grandfather paradox does not exclusively regard the contradiction of killing one's own grandfather to prevent one's birth. Rather, the paradox regards any action that alters the past , since there is a contradiction whenever the past becomes different from the way it was.
Hope this will help you ☺
I think, might be the solution will be different.
Suppose time's 9:00 pm
1. X went back 15 mins in past &then he shot himself
2. It means X has been shot at 8:45
3. Then? How X is here?
4. X will dissapear cause he never existed after 8:45
5. If X never existed after 8:45 , nobody has used the gun
6. Then the X (of 8:45) will be again alive
7. If the X is alive at 8:45 , then he will again shoot himself at 9:00 by comin in past
8: Then again X (at 9:00) will disappear.......
This circle will continue Forever & will be endless
We can call this a time loop