what is meant by INA
hi i didnt know which one u asked for pls dont be mad at me and delete this answer
INA IPV6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) Network Administration
INA Indonesia (Indonesia country abbreviation)
INA Information Needs Assessment (various organizations)
INA Institut National de l'Audiovisuel (French: National Broadcasting Institute)
INA Industrija Nafte (Croatian oil industry joint stock company)
INA International Nanny Association
INA Information Network of Arkansas
INA Institute of Nautical Archaeology
INA Iran Nonproliferation Act
INA Index Nominum Algarum (algae database)
INA Indian National Army
INA Institut National Agronomique (French)
INA Information Networking Architecture
INA Interactive Network Adapter
INA Instituto Nacional de Administração (Portugese)
INA Instituto Nacional Agrario (Spanish: National Agrarian Institute; Honduras)
INA Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952
INA Information Not Available
INA Iraqi News Agency
INA Illinois Nurses Association
INA Inspector of Naval Aircraft (US Navy)
INA International Neurotoxin Association
INA Istituto Nazionale delle Assicurazioni (Italian insurance institute)
INA Internacia Naturkuraca Asocio (Esperanto: International Naturkuraca Association)
INA Ikke Nærmere Angitt (Norwegian: Not Specified)
INA Institute for Nutraceutical Advancement
INA International Nannoplankton Association (UK)
INA Iowa Nurses' Association
INA Integrated Network Analyzer
INA Intelligent Network Architecture
INA Interactive Network Adapter (Cisco)
INA Integrated Network Architecture (JetroPlatforms Ltd.)
INA Information Network Architecture (Bellcore)
INA Internal Network Adapter
INA Institut National de La Communication Audiovisuelle (French: National Institute of Audiovisual Communication)
INA Individual Number Allocation
INA Internal Network Address (Sprint)
INA Infogrames North America
INA International Needs Australia (Mitcham, VIC, Australia)
INA Ice-Nucleating Agent
INA International Neurological Association
INA Integrated Notification Application
INA Illinois Numismatic Association
INA Invasive Nosocomial Aspergillosis
INA Industrie Nadellager
INA Indian National Airways
INA Independent America Party
INA Institute for Non-Clinical Approach (Japan)
INA Interoperability Network Activity
pls mark me as brainliest if u would like more answers
Ina is also a diminutive (Dutch, English, and Japanese) of the Dutch, English, German, Greek, and Scandinavian Christina. Ina is also a diminutive (Dutch, English, and Japanese) of the English and German Edwina. Ina is also a form (English and German) of the English, Irish, and German Ena