English, asked by leronjijo, 1 year ago

what is meant by metaphor with an example?​


Answered by king2533


something which is compared without using the words like, as and just as is metaphor

if u compare two things without these words then it is metaphor.


life is a boat in the river.

here life is compared with boat in river without the words like as just as. so it is metaphor

hope it helps

Answered by Raunakc


a metaphor is a poetic device which is used to compare 2 things without words Which indicate similarity (like, as , etc etc)


I am an orphan, roaming through the street

I pattern dust with my bare feet

the silence is golden, the freedom is sweet

here in these lines , silence is compared to gold /golden while freedom is said to be sweet

I know my example is not the best but it's all I could think of at the moment

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