Biology, asked by hiteshsiddartha, 3 months ago

what is meant by partenocarpic fruit? how it is useful​


Answered by chandreshwarcrixus


parthenocarpic fruit means seedless fruits. The condition in which fruits are developed without the formation of seeds is called parthenocarpy .  Advantage of parthenocarpic fruits: 1) Provides seedless fruits and improves the quality. 2) These type of fruits attracts other animals which are responsible for pollination.

Answered by Anonymous

Parthenocarpy  is the natural or artificially induced production of fruit without fertilization of ovules, which makes the fruit seedless. Stenospermocarpy may also produce apparently seedless fruit, but the seeds are actually aborted while they are still small. Parthenocarpy (or stenospermocarpy) occasionally occurs as a mutation in nature; if it affects every flower the plant can no longer sexually reproduce but might be able to propagate by apomixis or by vegetative means. In some plants, pollination or another stimulation is required for parthenocarpy, termed stimulative parthenocarpy. Plants that do not require pollination or other stimulation to produce parthenocarpic fruit have vegetative parthenocarpy. Seedless cucumbers are an example of vegetative parthenocarpy, seedless watermelon is an example of stenospermocarpy.

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