Social Sciences, asked by vaibhavbathula071, 5 months ago

What is meant by samsthanams?​


Answered by bhimacharan92


Samasthanam - Princely State. A princely state was a vassal state under a local or regional ruler in a subsidiary alliance with the British Raj. kvargli6h and 14 more users found this answer helpful. Thanks 8.

Answered by saniasaifi162


Raja Rameshwar Rao II, who was a vassal of the Nizam of Hyderabad, died on November 22, 1922. As his successor, Krishna Dev, was a minor, his estate was managed as a Ward of the Court. Krishna Dev himself died before attaining majority and the crown passed on to his son Rameshwar Rao III. Thereafter India abolished all regal titles.

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