what is meant by sustainable manpower provision
What is a sustainable manpower provision?
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Chandrasekaran Avanavadi Sundaram Iyer, Specialised in TQM , Behavioural Sciences and Education MGt
Answered July 13, 2020
human resource.
Sustainable provision of human resources
a. Availability of skilled human resources in all the time in any sector is sustainable provision of human resource.
b. For sustainable provision, skilled manpower should be produced for all sectors.
c. Supply of necessary manpower today and tomorrow without any shortage and having no large excesses.
This comes under
Human resources Planning
Human resources Development
Human resources deployment
In the Globalised Economy
The skilled manpower movement fromn
One city to another
One region to another
Rural to urban
Country to country
Project to project
are not uncommon
Sustainable Man power provision has become part of any National Level Human Resource planning
The based on such planning data , sustainable manpower provision has to deployed through a structured planning process by the Government and Organization’s Top Management along with Human Resource personnel
It is continuing cycle of activities that has to sustained effectively so that
“Sustainable Human Resource provision “ becomes meaningful and effective
The parameters that are to be considered
on a five year time scale
Employable age group
Migrating habits , behaviour and necessities and needs ( COVID 19 is throwing up such issues in open)
Skill set bank
Regular gap analysis for complying to “ sustainable man power provision “parameters
sustainable manpower provision means the supply of necessary manpower today and tomorrow without any shortage and having no large excesses.