what is meant by the age structure of the population? why is it relevant for economic development and growth
India has a very young population. Average age of an Indian is less than that of most other countries. Majority of Indians are between the age group of 15 - 64 years.
Age structure of the population refers to the proportion of persons in different age groups relative to the total population.
Age structure in a country changes due to the development of medical facilities or prevalence of disease that reduce the life expectancy
The relevance of age structure of population in economic development and growth summarised below –
a) Due to the advancement in Medical Sciences, public health measures and nutrition the life expectancy has raised. This is due to economic development and growth.
b) Need of family planning is being understood. Decrease in 0 to 14 years age group reveals that National Population Policy is being properly implemented.
c) Because of socio cultural changes and economic growth in India the age structure of population is moving towards positive young India.
d) Dependency ratio is decreasing and working population is increasing which causes positive growth in economy.
photosynthesis is a process in which plants make their own food with the help of water and sunlight