What is meant by “There’s a time for everything you do “?
We recommend that students who need practice do so by reading one passage at least 3x daily (no more than 15–20 minutes at a time) for a week.
First give students the opportunity to listen to a reading by a fluent reader, while “following along in their heads.” It is essential that students hear the words pronounced accurately and the sentences read with proper punctuation!
Then have students read the passage aloud while monitored for accuracy in decoding words.
When reading aloud, students should focus on reading at an appropriate pace, reading words and punctuation accurately, and reading with appropriate expression.
Students need feedback and active monitoring on their fluency progress. One idea is to do a “performance” toward the end of the week where students are expected to read the selection accurately and expressively and be evaluated.
Students need to be encouraged. They know they do not read as well as they ought to and want to. It is very good to explain fluency and explain that it is fixable and has nothing at all to do with intelligence!
It is good for students to understand what they read. For this reason, comprehension questions and a list of high-value vocabulary words are also included with each passage.
Use Juicy Sentences (one juicy sentence will be identified for each passage) to help students dig into sentence structure, word choice, and meaning. Follow the Juicy Sentence Guidance students the day the new passage is introduced to the class.
Supporting English Language Learners
Students don’t need to finish an entire passage in one sitting.
Variations in reading practice can include:
Have students perform a choral read.
Have students engage in a buddy/partner read.
Recordings of the text can be used to provide additional opportunities to hear expert reading.
Support students in chunking the text into smaller portions.
English Language Learners may find additional vocabulary (not included in the student-friendly glossary) unfamiliar and an impediment to comprehension. Provide student-friendly dictionaries so that students can look up words that may be causing comprehension difficulties.
Provide opportunities to practice using newly acquired vocabulary in the context of discussion.
Have students refer to the student-friendly glossary included with each passage to identify meanings for new vocabulary necessary for comprehension.
Particularly in the upper grades, or if there are many students who are still learning to read English, some of the passages are too long to read in one 15–20 minute session. In these cases, the passage should be broken up to allow for the repeated reading that will improve reading fluency. This can be done by spending more 15–20 minutes sessions with a single passage before moving on to the next passage, having part of the passage read aloud by the teacher, or pairing students and making each responsible for some portion of the passage. Teachers might even consider turning the fluency practice into a small group performance event for the week, where students divide the passage and organize “rehearsal and practice” sessions in order to perform the passage to the class by the end of the week.
After mastery of one passage, students should move on to the next passage and repeat the process, at a pace generally of one passage per week. The packet has been organized by genre, but we recommend teachers re-order the passages to create variety of reading types and best meet student and classroom needs.
Regular practice of this type will help students rapidly build grade-level fluency!
*Please note: Feel free to alternate between long and short passages, excerpt from longer passages, or break up longer passages into multiple smaller passages.
There is time for everything means every act to happen there is a particular situation it is based on your previous acts
It says..Everything you do i.e good or bad...it will find a way to come back to you.
the most popular saying under this is..'Do good get good'
mark as brainliest:)