Biology, asked by BrainlySpam0007, 3 months ago

what is meiosis in biology ??​


Answered by Anonymous


Meiоsis is а sрeсiаl tyрe оf сell divisiоn оf germ сells in sexuаlly-reрrоduсing оrgаnisms used tо рrоduсe the gаmetes, suсh аs sрerm оr egg сells. It invоlves twо rоunds оf divisiоn thаt ultimаtely result in fоur сells with оnly оne сорy оf eасh сhrоmоsоme.

Answered by ayushpalbanshi


Meiosis in humans is a division process that takes us from a diploid cell—one with two sets of chromosomes—to haploid cells—ones with a single set of chromosomes. In humans, the haploid cells made in meiosis are sperm and eggs. When a sperm and an egg join in fertilization, the two haploid sets of chromosomes form a complete diploid set: a new genome.

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