Biology, asked by maliprathvi7, 1 year ago

what is ment by food web? ​


Answered by dreadwing

<font size="+4"><font color="#ff0000"><p style="font:italic small-caps bold 18px/24px Garamond, Georgia, Times, Serif;width:200px;">ANSWER..!</p></font></font>

<font size="+2"><p style="font:italic small-caps bold 18px/24px Garamond, Georgia, Times, Serif;width:200px;">A food web (or food cycle) is the natural interconnection of food chains and a graphical representation (usually an image) of what-eats-what in an ecological community. Another name for food web is consumer-resource system.</p></font>

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Answered by AnnieStar


Definition of food web:

A food web shows the many different paths plants and animals are connected. It is an interconnections of food chain.

Example of food web:

Eg: A hawk might also eat a mouse, a squirrel, a frog or some other animal.

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