what is ment by the measurment physical qurenty
Quantitative information on physical conditions, properties, or relations essential for coordination of activities, efficiency of communication, and understanding of the nature of things in science and engineering and in much of everyday life. Time, distance, mass, temperature, force, power, and all other physical quantities (or parameters or variables), as well as the properties of matter, materials, and devices, must be described and measured in terms which have the same meaning for everyone. The measuring device or instrument is calibrated (that is, the functional relationship between its indication and the magnitude of the measured quantity is determined) by direct or indirect comparison with a standard which embodies, possesses, or generates a fixed or reproducible magnitude of the physical quantity which is taken as the unit or some multiple or fraction of the unit. Any measured quantity may thus be expressed by a number (the magnitude ratio) and the name of the unit, for example, a length of 1.54 meters.