Science, asked by dharapartha104, 1 year ago

what is mission Shakti??​


Answered by negiji80061


What is Mission Shakti?

Mission Shakti an anti-satellite weapon ASAT is successful by targeting a live satellite in a low earth orbit. It is an important step towards securing India's safety, economic growth and technological advancement. No doubt  ASAT weapon system will give a new strength to India's space programme. Do you know about Mission Shakti? What is it and why this mission is so special, what is ASAT, LEO, etc.  Let us study through this article.  


APR 2, 2019 12:53 IST

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What is Mission Shakti?

What is Mission Shakti?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a big announcement on 27 March, 2019 that India became the fourth country to acquire the capability of space warfare after US, Russia and China. As, scientists of India had successfully conducted Mission Shakti by shooting down a live satellite in the low earth orbit (LEO).


inRead invented by Teads

Before we proceed, let us tell you about Low earth orbit (LEO)

Low earth orbit is an orbit within a locus extending from the surface of the earth up to an altitude of 1,200 miles or 2000 km. Do you know that most of the manmade objects in space are in LEO? Due to their high speed, data transmitted through LEO is handed off from one satellite to another and generally move in a range of bound transmitting stations. Most of the applications of communication use LEO satellites because it takes less energy to place the satellites into LEO. Let us tell you that LEO orbits are not geostationary as network of satellites are required to provide the continuous coverage.

What is ASAT?


ASAT is anti-satellite weapon system that is designed to destroy or incapacitate satellites. Development of such type of weapon systems has a long history. Used during the Cold War between United States and the former Soviet Union. At that time various types of systems are there that can be launched from the ground or from planes. Let us tell you that in 1985 in the Cold War the United States has used an ASAT system to destroy its P-781 satellite to study solar radiation.

When China conducted an anti-satellite missile test on 11 January, 2007, these weapons again became popular. Target was Chinese weather satellite the FY-1C that sailed at an altitude of 865 kilometres. One Year later, the US launched ‘Operation Burnt Frost' to destroy a non-functioning U.S. National reconnaissance Office (NRO) satellite named USA-193.

So, we can say that the US was the first nation to build space warfare in 1950s. The USSR followed US and acquired the capability by early 1960s. Then China became the third country to launch ASAT. He had conducted his first ASAT test in 2007. Here, we would like to tell you that till date no country has used an ASAT weapon against another nation. This test only shows space warfare capabilities of the country.

What is new about India’s ASAT system?

But India's ASAT system is new as the satellite was about 300 km away from earth and the success of the Mission Shakti demonstrated India's anti-satellite missile capability by shooting down a live satellite. No doubt it is a rare achievement of India and makes the country in the list of space super powers.

According to Director-General of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) Dr, V.K. Saraswat that in 2012 India had all the building blocks necessary to integrate an anti-satellite weapon to neutralise hostile satellites in low earth and polar orbits. However no formal announcement was there for such a mission.

Answered by ankurgoswami1976


Answer:On 27 March 2019, India tested an anti-satellite weapon during an operation code named Mission Shakti (IAST; Śakti lit. ... India's successful demonstration of the ASAT capability is said to signify its ability to intercept an intercontinental ballistic missile. The ASAT weapon is meant to act as a deterrent.

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