Science, asked by sarwaniudas, 1 year ago

What is modification of plant? Leaf is modified into thorn where water availability is low, Give reason.


Answered by ambilykj


Answer: In plants like Gloriosa superba, The leaf tips get elongated and become tendrils. In some plants like Lathyrus aphaca, the entire leaf gets modified into a tendril and the stipules expand to carry out the function of a leaf.


Discuss the different modifications of leaves.

Modification Definition Example

1) Tendrils The leaves are modified into slender wiry and coiled structures called leaf tendrils and support climbers to climb Pisum Sativum

2) Spines The leaves modified into a pointed structure and usually protect them from herbivores. Opuntia

Answered by soham3319


so and =


Modified stems that grow horizontally underground are either rhizomes, from which vertical shoots grow, or fleshier, food-storing corms.New plants can arise from the nodes of stolons and runners (an aboveground stolon): stems that run parallel to the ground, or just below the surface.Potatoes are examples of tubers: the swollen ends of stolons that may store starch.The stem modification that has enlarged fleshy leaves emerging from the stem or surrounding the base of the stem is called a bulb; it is also used to store food.Aerial modifications of stems include tendrils, thorns, bulbils, and cladodes..

Key Termsstolon: a shoot that grows along the ground and produces roots at its nodes; a runnertuber: a fleshy, thickened, underground stem of a plant, usually containing stored starch, as for example a potato or arrowrootcladode: green branches of limited growth which have taken up the functions of photosynthesisrhizome: a horizontal underground stem of some plants that sends out roots and shoots from its nodescorm: a short, vertical, swollen underground stem of a plant that serves as a storage organ to enable the plant to survive winter or other adverse conditions such as droughtbulb: the bulb-shaped root portion of a plant such as a tulip, from which the rest of the plant may be regrowntendril: a thin, spirally-coiling stem that attaches a plant to its supportthorn: a sharp, protective spine of a plantbulbil: a bulb-shaped bud in the place of a flower or in a leaf axil

Stem Modifications

Some plant species have modified stems that are especially suited to a particular habitat and environment. A rhizome is a modified stem that grows horizontally underground; it has nodes and internodes. Vertical shoots may arise from the buds on the rhizome of some plants, such as ginger and ferns. Corms are similar to rhizomes, except they are more rounded and fleshy (such as in gladiolus). Corms contain stored food that enables 

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