what is MS word write its component
Functionality or Purpose of the Component
Menu Bar Contains File,Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window and Help menus
Standard Toolbar Contains icons for shortcuts to menu commands.
Formatting Tool Bar Contains pop-up menus for style, font, and font size; icons for boldface, italic, and underline; alignment icons; number and bullet list icons; indention icons, the border icon, highlight, and font color icons.
Ruler Ruler on which you can set tabs, paragraph alignment, and other formats.
Insertion Point Blinking vertical bar that indicates where text you type will be inserted. Don’t confuse the insertion point with the mouse I-beam. To move the insertion point, just click the mouse where you want the point moved.
End-of-File Marker Non-printing symbol that marks the end of the file. You cannot insert text after this mark.
Selection Bar (Gutter) Invisible narrow strip along the left edge of the window. Your mouse pointer changes to a right-pointing arrow when it is in this area. It is used to select a line, a paragraph, or the entire document.
Split Handle Double-click to split the window in two (to view different portions of the same file). Double-click to return to one window
Status Bar Displays page number, section number, and total number of pages, pointer position on page and time of day.
Task Pane Displays and groups commonly used features for convenience.
Office Assistant An animated character that can provide help and suggestions. There are multiple characters to choose from, and it is possible to turn the Office Assistant off.