Biology, asked by dilipt, 1 year ago

What is multiple of composite fruits? ​


Answered by anubha9157


Composite fruits are those fruits which develop from the entire inflorescence rather than from single flower. There are two types of composite fruits namely syconus and sorosis.Syconus is a collective fleshy fruit in which the ovaries are hidden within a receptacle e.g. fig. Sorosis develops from spike or spadix inflorescence e.g. mulberry


Answered by Anonymous


Fruit which develop from an inflorescence where flowers are crowded together is called multiple on composite fruit.

Types :-

1. Sorosis :- in this type of rachis and all the floral parts of a spadix type of inflorescence fuse together forming a composite fruit. in Jackfruit the thick colour saved recharge has the flowers arranged on it.

2. Syconus :- this develops on the ripening of the hypanthodium of the coenanthium inflorescence. In ficus plants or figs female flowers within the closed receptacle of the inflorescence develop achenes giving rise to a multiple fruit of achenes.

Anonymous: great :)
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