Music, asked by ayesha3241, 11 months ago

what is music write with definition .​


Answered by N3KKI


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Music -

Which heals you when you're in pain

Answered by Anonymous

➢ Definition

  • Music is an art form and cultural activity that expresses people's thoughts and feelings and social real life with the auditory image composed of organized sound.

➢ About Music

Music is an art form and cultural activity, and its medium is sound organized on time. The definition of general music includes common elements such as tone (which governs melody and harmony ), rhythm (and its associated conceptual rhythm , meters , and joints ), dynamics (loudness and softness), and sound wave quality timbre and texture (This is sometimes referred to as the "color" of musical sound). Different styles or types of music may be emphasized, and some of the elements are not emphasized or ignored. Music is played with a variety of musical instruments and vocal techniques, from singing to rap ; there are only instrumental works, only vocal works (such as songs without instrumental accompaniment) and works that combine singing and musical instruments. The word is derived from the Greek word mousike ; " Muse Art"

In the most general form, activities that describe music as an art form or cultural activity include the creation of musical works ( songs , tunes, symphonies, etc.), criticism of music , research on music history , and aesthetic evaluation of music . Ancient Greek and Indian philosophers defined music as tones arranged horizontally as melody and vertically as harmony. Such as "various areas of harmony " and "This is music in my ears," saying such points to the notion that music is often ordered and pleasant sounds. However, the 20th century composer John Cage (John Cage) thought that any sound can be music, for example, he said: "There is no noise . Only the sound"

The creation, expression, meaning and even definition of music vary according to cultural and social background. Indeed, throughout history, some new musical forms or styles have been criticized as "non-music", including the Beethoven 's Gross Vogel String Quartet in 1825, early jazz in the early 1900s, and hardcore punk in the 1980s.

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