what is myopia and hyper metropia
myopia is the defect of the eye where a person cannot see distant object clearly it is due to large eyeball or low converging power of the lens it can be corrected by using a concave lens
hypermetropia is the defect of the edge where a person cannot see distinctobject clearly this is due to small eyeball of high converging power of lens this can be corrected using a covex lens
what is myopia and hyper metropia
➡myopia:- A myopic person Or short sighted eye can see only near by objects but distant objects are not clearly visible. this defect can be removed using a concave lens/diverging lens of suitable focal length.
*the human eye is most sensitive to yellow-green light having 5500 A°
➡Hypermetropia:- A hypermetropic person or long sighted eye can see distant object clearly but near by object are not clearly visible. this defect can be removed by using a convex lens / converging lens of suitable focal length.