What is myopia ?
What is hypermetropia ?
What is presbyopia ?
1 Ans.A condition in which close objects appear clearly, but far ones don't.
Near-sightedness tends to run in families.
Faraway objects appear blurry. The condition may develop gradually or rapidly.
Treatment options include glasses, contact lenses and surgery such as LASIK.
2 Ans. A vision condition in which nearby objects are blurry.
Hyperopia is a common vision condition in adults.
People with hyperopia must squint to see nearby objects. Reading, writing, computer work or drawing for long periods of time may cause eye strain and headache.
Treatment options include glasses, contact lenses and surgery such as LASIK.
3 Ans. Presbyopia is the gradual loss of your eyes' ability to focus on nearby objects. It's a natural, often annoying part of aging. Presbyopia usually becomes noticeable in your early to mid-40s and continues to worsen until around age 65.