What is neant by the term Aurora Borealis?
An aurora, sometimes referred to as polar lights, northern lights, or southern lights, is a natural light display in the Earth's sky, predominantly seen in the high-latitude regions. Auroras are the result of disturbances in the magnetosphere caused by solar wind.
- Aurora Borealis Introduction
The Aurora borealis is an incredible light show which caused by collisions between electrically charged particles released from the sun, that enter the earth's atmosphere and collide with gases such as oxygen and nitrogen present in the atmosphere.
- In Simplified Terms
The northern lights, also known as aurora borealis are a glittering part of the sky that exist both in our world and the world of the novel.
In our world the lights result from electrically charged particles in the earth's atmosphere.
- Formation of Aurora Borealis
The Aurora Borealis (northern lights) form when charged particles emitted from the sun during a solar flare Penetrate the earth's magnetic shield and collide with atoms and molecules in our atmosphere.These collisions result in countless little bursts of light, called photons, which make up the aurora.
- Effects of Aurora Borealis
Aurorae disturb the atmosphere and this affects radio waves that are communicating information around the world.
The solar wind adds its own magnetic energy to that of the Earth and when they combine they can blow out electric wires and cables!
The Earth's atmosphere actually expands slightly when aurorae are around.
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