what is neutral point
here is the answer to the question

magnetic field at a point on earth is characterized by three parameters
It’s magnitude .
its inclination.
its dip.
The magnetic needle always points in the direction of the net magnetic field at that particular point.
The geometric north of the earth above Russia is the magnetic south, i.e, at the geometric north pole of the earth is actually a magnetic south pole ,and at the geometric south pole(below Antarctica ) there is actually a magnetic north pole.
North pole of a magnet is named after the face that is seeks the geometric north of the earth
The earth is spherical in shape , so the net magnetic field , at a particular point on earth will not be parallel to the its surface.
Consider that you are standing at a point of the surface of the earth .We know that the magnet will point to the geometric north pole of the earth. The direction in which the magnetic needle would point can be found out by drawing a line from that point to the north pole ,through the interior of the earth. It is clear that this line is not parallel to the surface of the earth,but makes an angle with the horizontal, the angle that is made is call the dip angle at that particular point.
So when you are at the pole your north pole of the magnet will be vertical that is make an angle 90 degree with the horizontal(surface of the earth)