What is 'nitrolim"? How is it prepared?
3.8. What is 'rust'? How the coating of Zn protects iron
Mention one ore of Zn. What reducing agent is us
3.9. What is LPG? What are its components?
What is 'denatured alcohol"?

What is 'nitrolim"? How is it prepared?
Calcium Cyanamide CaCN2 is known as Nitrolim. It is used as inorganic nitrogenous fertilizer. In common terms, it is also known as lime nitrogen. It is formed when calcium carbide is passed through nitrogen at a suitable temperature in a furnace.
Preparation of nitrolim:-
Nitrolim is formed when the nitrogen passes through calcium carbide at an appropriate temperature, i.e. 1000oC to 1100oC. Applications of Nitrolim: This is used as a nitrogen fertilizer in significant quantities.
3.8. What is 'rust'?
Rust is an iron oxide, a usually reddish-brown oxide formed by the reaction of iron and oxygen in the catalytic presence of water or air moisture. Rust consists of hydrous iron(III) oxides and iron(III) oxide-hydroxide, and is typically associated with the corrosion of refined iron.
How the coating of Zn protects iron?
The iron or steel object is coated in a thin layer of zinc. This stops oxygen and water reaching the metal underneath - but the zinc also acts as a sacrificial metal . Zinc is more reactive than iron, so it oxidises in preference to the iron object.
What is 'denatured alcohol"?
Denatured alcohol is ethanol that has additives to make it poisonous, bad-tasting, foul-smelling, or nauseating to discourage its recreational consumption. It is sometimes dyed so that it can be identified visually.