What is not possible after you have converted
a.Py file into an executable script?
lease do not feel offended if I have referred you to this page, it's just the ... When the user presses "Convert .py to .exe", all the data in the interface ... you to find your project in the output folder in your current working directory.
We can convert .py into the executable script by the following:
1. Open up the command line
2. Navigate to the folder that contains the abc.py program
3. Run py for example take abc .py
It will create a folder called “dist” in the folder that contains the program, and within that folder, one can find the .exe file.
It is a simple process with cx_freeze, but it requires an extra configuration step.
Before running cx_freeze, one will have to create a file called “setup.py” that is stored in the same folder as the abc.py program.
The setup.py file configures the options for cx_freeze, and can get complicated if one is trying to do something very particular.
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
setup(name = "abc" ,
version = "0.1" ,
description = "" ,
executables = [Executable("abc.py")])
In order to run cx_freeze, one can do the following:
1. Navigate to the folder abc.py and setup.py
2. Run the command python setup.py build
When cx_freeze is done running the .exe file will be available in a directory within the folder that contains setup.py.