What is observed when sulphur dioxide is passed through
(a) water (b) lime water
Also,write chemical equation for the reaction that take place
(i) When is passed through water then Sulphurous acid is formed.
Now, the aqueous solution(aq) of turn the blue litmus to red. (Showing acidic nature)
SO₂ = Sulfur Dioxide
H₂O = water
H₂SO₃ = Sulphurous acid
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(ii) When is passed through line water then Calcium Sulphite is formed which is white precipitate. It reacts with excess
to form Hydrogen Sulphite.
So, the chemical equation is
Ca(OH)₂ = lime water
SO₂ = Sulfur dioxide
CaSO₃ = Calcium sulphite
H₂O = Water
CaSO₃ = Calcium sulphite
H₂O = water
SO₂ = Sulphur dioxide
Ca(HSO₃)₂ = Calcium bisulphite
i) When SO² is passed through water, sulphurous acid is formed. The aqueous solution of SO ² turns blue litmus red.
(ii) But when SSO² is passed through lime water, calcium sulphite (white ppt.) is formed, which reacts with excess SO ² to form calcium hydrogen sulphite.
The chemical equation for the reactions are: