What is occupation hazards ? What occupation hazards are linked with wool and silk production
Occupational hazards are the hazards that we get due to the environment that we work in.
Wool - A fatal blood disease called Wool Sorters disease (Sorters disease)
caused by Anthrax
Silk - Due to the loud noise exposure, the workers might experience deafening, Breathing Problems as they inhale tiny fabric dust which leads to respiratory problems
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An occupational hazard is a hazard experienced in the workplace. Occupational hazards can encompass many types of hazards, including chemical hazards, biological hazards, psychosocial hazards and physical hazards.
ln wolleen industry people who as sorter, get infected by a bacterium called anthrax. In silk industry, working incrampled, damp and poorly vantilated units leads to respiratory problems for example lung, cancer and many more.