Math, asked by prithishng, 1 year ago

what is ocean layer and uses


Answered by talibalam
The ocean has three primary layers. 2. The layers are the surface layer (sometimes referred to as the mixed layer), the thermocline andthe deep ocean.3. The surface layer is the top layer of the water. This layer is also known as the mixed layer and is well stirred from the wind and other forces. This top ocean layer tends to be the warmest layer due to heating from the sun. 4. Below the surface layer is the thermocline, the layer between warm surface water and cold deep ocean. Its size varies based on latitude and season, but it will rarely occur deeper than 1,000m2. In this layer, temperature changes rapidly with depth. This layer often coincides with the halocline, the region where salinity changes sharply with depth.5. Below the thermocline is the deep ocean. Water here is cold and dense. Temperature and salinity tend to remain relatively constant below the thermocline.
If you consider the ocean to have many different layers of water, where would you expect to find warm water heated by the sun:w.Near the ocean floorx.Near the ocean surfacey.In a layer called the thermoclinez.Between 500 –1,000 meters3.Short Answer:Why would warm water stay on the ocean surface? Answer: It is less dense than colder water and essentially “floats” on the denser layers4.Which of the following best describes water beneath the thermocline:w.Highly variable in temperaturex.Warmer than most surface watersy.Relatively uniform and cold in temperature z.Variable by latitude5.Thermoclines are typically not found below this depth regardless of season and latitude:w.10 metersx.100 metersy.500 metersz.1,000 meters6.A pycnocline refers to a significant change in:w.Densityx.Temperaturey.Salinityz.Turbidity7.If all else is equal, increasing the salinity of a seawater sample will also increase its:w.Temperaturex.Pressurey.Densityz.Turbidity
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