English, asked by ANSHUL8786, 1 year ago

What is one theme in Flannery O'Connor's "Everything That Rises Must Converge"?


Answered by bestanswers

The one theme in Flannery O'Connor's "Everything That Rises Must Converge " collection of short stories is racial segregation.

These short stories were written during the American civil war which symbolised intergenerational conflict.

All the stories include narratives of tensions which became visible after such conflicts and transformation of social goals.

Answered by Arslankincsem

If we were to express the theme of the story in a word we would be using the word "change" or if we were to use a phrase we would be using the "morality of the phrase".

But if we were to get a more extensive read on the story we would understand that the theme actually lets us identify a number of different ideas which are related to change in some way or another.

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