what is onto function
1)In mathematics, a function f from a set X to a set Y is surjective, if for every element y in the codomain Y of f, there is at least one element x in the domain X of f such that f(x) = y. It is not required that x be unique; the function f may map one or more elements of X to the same element of Y.
2)Onto and Into functions. We have another set of functions called Onto or Into functions. Let f: X→Y be a function. ... In other words range of f = Y , for onto functions. On the other hand if there exists at least one element in the codomain Y which is not an image of any element in the domain X, then f is into.
3)Onto functions. An onto function is such that for every element in the codomain there exists an element in domain which maps to it. Again, this sounds confusing, so let's consider the following: A function f from A to B is called onto if for all b in B there is an a in A such that f(a) = b.
i hope it helpfull to you